

Your monthly fee is due on the 1st of each month.  If you are set up for Recur billing your account will be charged on the 1st or the first business day of each month.  If you opt out of Recur billing your account will be charged a $10 late fee if received after the 6th.

Insurance Policy


Members Club Storage does not assume liability for stored items.  It is the sole responsibility of each tenant  to have necessary coverage for stored items.  Proof of such insurance is required. 



Park only in your designated space at all times.  Please keep aisleways clear and do not block other members space.  Any other vehicles than that registered with Members Club will be towed at the owners expense.  If you need to keep a vehicle in your space while you have your recreation vehicle out of the facility please contact management in advance. 

Speed limit is 10 MPH.  No careless or reckless driving is permitted on the premises.

Please be courteous to other members and their spaces by limiting loud music, offensive language, or any other disturbing behavior.



Place bagged trash only in the dumpster.  Never place fish or bait in dumpster.



Do not block entrance to the facility and do not tailgate the member in front of you.  Wait for the gate to close if someone is entering in front of you before accessing the property with your code.

Guests, Children and Pets


We love our friends, children and pets.  Visitors and guests are to be accompanied by the member and are the members responsibility which includes proper entry and exit of premises and adhere to the facility rules.  Children are to remain with and be supervised by the parent or guardian at all times.  Pets must be leashed, cleaned up after and not a danger to other members or guests.